We are very excited to be a part of this month's Pepsi Refresh Challenge! But we need your help!
With your daily vote, we will be able to use $50,000 to bring Let's ALL Play to community programs nationwide by providing training on best practice inclusion techniques and scholarships so that no child is left on the sidelines. This training will expand the capacity of programs to offer inclusive experiences for generations to come.
From a parent of a child without a disability in Beverly, MA: While coming home from camp, my son asked if I knew that everyone's brain was different. He explained that some kids at camp are different from other kids because they have certain "disabilities." When asked what he thought about that, he said, "It's all good,… Mom. We're all special & unique in our own way." A pretty profound statement for a 7 year old!
Your vote makes more profound statements like this possible!
Voting Instructions
1. Go to www.refresheverything.com/nationalinclusionproject
2. Click "Vote for this idea."
3. It will prompt you to sign-in. Log-in with your Facebook or your email address. (If you haven't already, you can register very easily.)
4. Click "Vote for this idea" again. (This is very important!)
5. You will know you voted when you see the "Votes left today" change to 9.
You can also text the numbers 102308 to Pepsi (73774).
While you're there, go to www.refresheverything.com/blindcatrescue and vote for our Pepsi Challenge partner!
What Else Can I Do?
1. Post this EVERYWHERE!
2. Share your vote on Facebook and Twitter.
3. Encourage others to sign up to receive the daily reminder at www.inclusionproject.org/pepsi.
4. Be creative! We'd love to hear your ideas on how to promote voting to other people!
Thank you!