THANK YOU for your 2022 Founders' Gala registration. Your attendance will help create opportunities for children of ALL abilities to participate in life's activities, ensuring that no child sits on the sidelines! (If you've made it here without being registered, please go back to REGISTRATION by clicking here.)
You can make your Gala donation through check (preferred) or credit card. Each person you registered needs to pay separately if they would like a tax receipt. They will need to mention who registered them when they mail the check or when prompted during credit card payment. You and your guests will have 1 month to pay (or until March 25th - whichever is first)
Pay by Check
If paying by check (preferred), make payable to National Inclusion Project and mail to the address below:
National Inclusion Project
Atten: Gala Dept
PO Box 110104
RTP, NC 27709
Please include the name of the person who registered you along with the name(s) of who you are paying for with the check when mailed.
Pay by Credit Card
If paying by credit card, click the button below. And remember, each attendee must pay directly if they would like a tax receipt (even if they were registered by another person).
When paying by credit card, you will need to know who registered you and the names/emails of those you are paying for.
If you have questions about the event or your registration and payment, please see the other Gala pages on our website. If you still have questions, please contact
Everybody Participates Everybody Belongs
There are many ways to support our mission. One of them is through donating.
Whether it's a little or a lot, it all helps and it all matters!