First of all let me say that it is my pleasure to work for The Bubel/Aiken Foundation in support of creating communities where ALL children can learn, live, and play together. In my short tenure it has been extremely rewarding to experience first hand the personal commitment and passion of individuals involved with the foundation. As you already know, it is the cause that we support and the great people behind the cause that will help us achieve our goals. Beyond sponsorships and donations, I must also comment on the volunteer effort that underpins TBAF. To all of you that volunteer your time as well as your money, I hope you truly understand how important your efforts are for the Foundation. To you I give my most sincere thanks. My personal commitment to the Foundation, our sponsors, donors, and volunteers is to serve all stakeholders as best possible and champion initiatives which support the mission of inclusion.
TBAF, with your help has made significant strides during the last few years. As a Foundation we have an effective inclusive summer camp program entitled “Let’s All Play.” Our Friend Mikayla, written and illustrated by the 3rd grade class in Lower Nazareth Elementary, has been well received. The Federal and State Farm grants have generated excellent initial work for a K–12 inclusive curriculum and work with Johns Hopkins University has highlighted interesting potential for helping to bridge the educational gap that exists for many students with special needs and their peers. All in all, great progress, but still much to do. I feel most importantly we have to challenge ourselves as to how we can touch the lives of more kids!
Awareness, awareness, awareness is a major challenge for the Foundation. Through awareness we can connect more minds and hearts with our mission. I talk with many individuals across the country and most all know of Clay Aiken but have not heard of The Bubel/Aiken Foundation—this is our challenge. Increasing awareness of the Foundation will expand our donor support providing additional funds benefiting more kids So with your help, I am challenging us collectively to spread the word about TBAF so that we can increase the number of donors.
We would like to set a goal of supporting 100 “Let’s All Play” camps in 2008. That means we need your help to raise an additional $1 Million this year!!!
This is a sizeable challenge which will require everyone to speak out on behalf of the Foundation, our mission and goals. There is nothing magic about 100 camps: it is a goal for all of us to connect with, and increasing the number of summer camps by any quantity will help to move us closer to our goal of inclusive communities.
I plan to use this medium to continue communications about Foundation initiatives and I will be randomly calling volunteers during the days ahead seeking ideas and guidance. Together we can and will continue to make a difference in the lives of kids of all abilities.
Stay tuned for more regarding our “100 for 1 Million” challenge, and please continue your support and excellent work!
I look forward to working with all. Thanks and God Bless!
Jerry Aiken
Executive Director