As the holidays kick into high gear and the end of the year draws near (we are feeling poetical today :), let’s take a moment to look back on all on that's happened in 2019.
It’s definitely been a year of NEW for NIP.
New scheduling for the Founders’ Gala and the Power of Play.
Launching the first annual Champions Awards Reception.
And of course, THE BIG ONE: launching our the NIP Standards for Inclusive Recreation Programs and ushering in the first inaugural class of off NIP accredited summer camps.
Phew. That's a lot of new. (Keeping the poetry going!)
As most of us know all too well, tackling anything new can be daunting, if not downright scary. But as the old saying goes, every journey starts with a single step.
And we did it. And when we say we, we don’t just mean us. We mean you, too.
Because WE couldn't have done any of it with out YOU
You were there to take those steps with us, pushing us forward with your support, encouragement, and enthusiasm.
So, what’s the point of all this waxing philosophical, you may ask?
Besides feeling reflective (which we are), we want to take these last few weeks to not only look back on how far NIP has come, but to honor those that came before us. Those who laid the path on which we’re walking, the path we strive to lengthen with the work we do, inch by inch and step by step.
There are so many bold, brave people and dedicated organizations who have fought for inclusion of those with disabilities long before NIP came on the scene. And they deserve to be celebrated for their tenacity, vision, and dedication.
Starting Monday, Dec. 9 we will spotlight amazing inclusion pioneers each week until the end of the year.
Let’s get to know the trailblazers who fought for the disability community and moved the needle of progress. Because as another saying goes, if you don’t know where you’ve come from, you don’t know where you’re going.
Hopefully you’ll enjoy it, learn something, and feel inspired to be part of the change as we usher in the next era of inclusion.
So watch this space and our social media. We can't wait!